Well hello there...
I know, I know yet again I have neglected my poor, poor blog.
I swear if my blog was a friend it would probably never want to speak with me again
(or at least not for a very long time lol.)
Well they say change is as good as a holiday but I beg to differ.
In the last few months we have had so much change, we've changed address (a nightmare in itself there especially trying to find rentals in Mackay), Jason change jobs 3 times (he just started a new and better job 2 weeks ago so hopefully there will be NO more for a while), our family dynamics are changing too - Jason's new job will take him away from home during the week which means it'll just be me and the boy (a big change but we've done it before, so I'm confident it won't be a problem).
Other than these changes in the last few months I have completed my Certificate II in Retail, been looking and applying for part-time work, looking for a new rental property, packing up our stuff, moving out of our old house/into our new house, taking Rhyley to Maths tutoring, Easter, school holidays, a return train trip to Bundaberg (10 loooonnnnng hours each way) to celebrate my Pop's 90th (yes, it's quiet a milestone!), watching Rhyley march at the ANZAC day parade and so much more it is actually making me sleepy just thinking about it all.
In the last few months we have had so much change, we've changed address (a nightmare in itself there especially trying to find rentals in Mackay), Jason change jobs 3 times (he just started a new and better job 2 weeks ago so hopefully there will be NO more for a while), our family dynamics are changing too - Jason's new job will take him away from home during the week which means it'll just be me and the boy (a big change but we've done it before, so I'm confident it won't be a problem).
Other than these changes in the last few months I have completed my Certificate II in Retail, been looking and applying for part-time work, looking for a new rental property, packing up our stuff, moving out of our old house/into our new house, taking Rhyley to Maths tutoring, Easter, school holidays, a return train trip to Bundaberg (10 loooonnnnng hours each way) to celebrate my Pop's 90th (yes, it's quiet a milestone!), watching Rhyley march at the ANZAC day parade and so much more it is actually making me sleepy just thinking about it all.
So as you can imagine blogging has been the last thing I've had time for, I haven't really
had the time to scrap either or the desire.
But I managed to put the following pages together over the past few months:
This one was for a Mixed Bag Monday Challenge over at Peppermint Creative
The next ones are layouts from my Pop's 90th birthday lunch.
I used MissMint's funky new Celebration Station Collection and Basil by Sara Gleason
This one was made using the free Pimp My Page Template from Peppermint Creative head over there to grab your copy
Anyway it's time to wrap this up. I'm off to do some more scrapping.
So until next time,

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