Well Christmas is almost upon us. It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating Christmas, 2011 has really flown by.
So we have been really busy this month with school (seriously this term has been hectic), being of holidays, preparing for Christmas, organising our holiday.
This term at school Rhyley went on his first school camp, this was his first trip away from home that wasn't to a relative's house! They went to Action Challenge and he had an awesome time his favourite part was the giant swing they used there and hopefully we will get some photos from school in the new year. After camp they had 2 performances to attend, swimming lessons, end of year break up party (which was a trip to the cinema to see Puss In Boots, swimming and pizza for lunch), &their Christmas Concert and Party!
We have also been busy decorating and baking for the holidays, we decorated our Christmas tree & welcomed our cheeky Elf on the Shelf to our family- his name is Bumble aka SuperElf but I will write more about him and his antics in another post (Yes! he deserves a post all to himself!)
Rhyley & I made Gingerbread Heads for his classmates this year.
They were so cute & were a BIG hit with all the kids & parents too.
I definitely need to work on my icing skills and maybe I will have to practice a little more & (of course by making more cookies) but first I will need to by some decorating goodies on the web since they're harder to find here.
I got the idea for these Gingerbread Heads from Bakerella's website (I swapped Molasses for Golden Syrup that's why mine are lighter).
I packaged two of them up in a bag with a topper I made using Dear Santa & Jolly Gingerbread Elements from Peppermint Creative & Cookies for Santa by Kate Hadfield
Close up of the topper
We also made Rhyley's teacher Mrs Dyson a Crayon Art Monogram and these adorable Apple Containers which we filled with Mini Toblerones!
I got the idea for the "apples" here.
I made the apples out of recycled 600ml soft drink bottles & added a few "tweeks" by adding a piece of bottle to make a lip to place the lid on top.
Anyway onto sharing with you some more layouts I have completed:
Layouts from July:
The Frosted Fun Elements & Papers where perfect for scrapping these photos of Rhyley first ice-skating attempt :)
Credits are right here
Credits are here

Check the credits

Credits are here

Check the credits
Well this post is alot longer than I expected so I will wrap it up for now.
Until next time
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