LAZY when it comes to updating my blog. Seriously I actually wonder if
I will ever devote proper time to this - I am sure the answer is YES but when
I am not completely sure?!
So I will update quickly since my last post:
We got through Christmas, which was SO busy and full on I never got around
to posting all of our Elf on the Shelf photos, which I am so bummed about
but I will get to it (maybe I'll post them for Christmas in July!).
We had New Years and school holidays, which was spent spending lots
of family time together with little internet time which was great and really
what was needed for our family.
We shopped and prepared for the new school year - Rhylez is in Grade Six this
year which completely blows my mind everyday I can't believe my little baby
boy is in his second last year of primary school and it won't be long until he's
a high schooler.
Which in all honest scares the crap outta me, and I find myself wishing I could
turn back time to enjoy his babyhood more - I had PND (Post Natal Depression)
and it wasn't diagnosed until he was about 2 years old and now looking back
I realise that I wasn't a great mum because I was in a seriously black cloud
of depression and despair.
Wow, I have never admitted that out loud (let alone in writing) before but it feels
really good to get it off my chest.
My uncle passed away in January and I guess that has shown me that pretending
the mistakes we made in the past don't or didn't matter is not the way to go
and that holding on to that stuff really does eat away at you!
I have been searching alot lately too.
About what I want to do - job wise I love my job as a Mum and wouldn't change
that for the world but I need something more so I am looking at studying Business
and HR Management.
Because I really want to help others get work they will love!
I have also been thinking about opening my own Etsy store and selling my crocheted
items and vinyl wall stickers but to that I need to devote more time to making things.
Just need to work a on schedule! and overcome ALOT of self doubt I have when it
comes to putting myself out there to sell my own stuff!
Lots of other little things have been happening but those can wait for another day....
I have been scrapbooking a bit lately too but this post is already SO long I will
share them later.
Until next time,

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