Here Rhyley comes!
Yes today was the first day back at school for 2010 and this year Rhyley is in Grade 3!
I can't believe that he is almost half way finished with primary school.
It's a little sad really that he is growing up so fast :(
Jason had organised to start late so he could also be there to see Rhyley off on his first day.
So we got up this morning and got ready for school with very little drama.
The drama only started when I told Rhyley I wanted to take photos of him before we could leave for school. After a little whining he agreed if I was quick because he wanted to get to school.
So I quickly snapped some photos.
We arrived at school and went up to his classroom and meet his lovely teacher Mrs Hayes we spoke to her a little about Rhyley's occupational therapy needs and she said she's have a chat with Miss Delley - Rhyley's Grade 2 teacher.
That afternoon I picked Rhyley up and as we walked home he told me all about his first day.
He had a great day and he really likes Mrs Hayes!
Well here is today's layout:
Credits can be found here
Until next time,