Thursday, November 26, 2009

Taking A Break

Things are getting so busy around here with the end of school activities and Christmas rapidly barrelling toward us.
So I have decided to take a little break at least until things settle down a bit.
I will try to get as many layouts I can get done to make up for the break either when I have a spare few minutes to myself or after the rush has passed.

Until next time,

Monday, November 23, 2009


Well today we chilled at home and did housework while watching a few movies.
So really there is nothing new to report except today's layout!

I got the idea for this while laying in bed trying to get to sleep the other night and today I put it into action and I have to say I am impressed with how it turned out.
Hope you like it:

Credits can be found here

Until next time,

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Things are getting busy....

Wow things are about to get really busy for us here.
Christmas is rapidly approaching and with end of school activities, appointments, Carols by Candlelight, school holidays, visiting Grandma and Grandpa, aunties and uncles and Great Nanna, travelling and finally Christmas we are going to have a full on 5 weeks!

Anyway here is today's layout:

Credits can be found here

Until next time,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Last Pages of Album

Well here are the last pages of the album I told you about yesterday.
I really think both my mum and mother-in-law are going to enjoy their Christmas gifts.

Until next time,

Friday, November 20, 2009

Baby Album

I have been putting together a baby album to get made into a photo book of Rhyley to give to my Mum and Jason's Mum for Christmas this year.
Because I was at such a loss at what to do with it I cheated a bit hehe.

I decided to use Miss Mint's Bluechie Coo Album to do the bulk of the album and added to it by doing some of my own.

So here are some of the pages I've completed with this beautiful album kit:

I will post the rest tomorrow when I finish them off :)
Until next time,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Catching Up!

Wow what a long weekend!
We went down to Ballina to visit my cousin Peter and his lovely girlfriend Jess who recently had a baby boy Connor!
So with packing last Thursday,driving down there Friday and being there all weekend and not getting home till late I have had to play catch up with my layouts!

We had a fantastic weekend though went to see Connor on Saturday and he is so cute!
Rhyley had a hold and he is definitely a pro after holding Coop so much as a baby.
Speaking of Coop we got a visit from him and Aaron out at Mum and Dad's cause Aaron is currently fixing up Dad's boat for him.
So Rhyley and Coop ran around playing trucks all morning.

On Sunday Aaron and Coop came out again for a while but it was too hot so they went back into town.
After they left we cleaned up Mum's house and had lunch before watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We then packed the car loaded the dogs in and drove into town to visit Aaron at his flat. When we got there he showed us the wardrobes he had installed and told us how they were going to be painting over Christmas.

After Aaron's we dropped in to see my Pop for a quick hello before heading back home!

So here are five new layouts:
Credits can be found here

Credits can be found here

Credits can be found here

Credits can be found here

Credits can be found here

Until next time

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We Will Remember Them

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Today was Remembrance Day.
Rhyley had a special parade at school to commemorate today and his class made wreathes to lay at the school memorial during parade.
He bought home his wreath and was very proud because he thought he had done a good job on it.

Also today I spoke with my mum to organise when they want Rhyley to come down before Christmas and she said it is up to him so of course he is trying to decide if he wants to spend 1 or 2 weeks at Nanny and Poppy's.

Here is today's layout:

Credits can be found here

Until next time,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So Proud

Well today Rhyley came home with a bunch of notes from school.
The fortnightly school newsletter which I have to say surprised me because Rhyley has been neglecting to fork it over this year, then there were order forms for next years school supplies I know scary thought huh!
But the best note of all was the Gold Award permission slip!
I am so proud of my little man he has receive Gold Award 3 out of 4 terms this year and is great a major improvement on last year's half a Gold Award!

Anyway here is today's layout:

Credits can be found here

Until next time,

Monday, November 9, 2009


It has been raining for the last couple of days and I am loving it!
Rainy weather is the best it always smells so fresh outside and I always sleep better when it rains.
I guess the only bad thing about it is the dryer is getting a work out!

Here is today's layout:

Credits can be found here

I'm off to bed now
Until next time


We had a yummy dinner tonight~ Chicken Taco Soup!
It was so good that we all had seconds and Rhyley devoured his which is unusual for him especially when it comes to spicy food.
So this will most definitely make it back on the dinner menu in the future :)

Now for today's layout:

Credits can be found here

Until next time

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's Here

The weekend is finally here!
Today Jason let me have a sleep which was lovely. After I got my butt out of bed I joined Jason and Rhyley in the lounge, they were watching Transformers yet again for like the millionth time.
I swear I am going to hide it so they can't watch it for a while.
I know it's mean but seriously if they keep watching it at this rate they will wear it out lol.

So after the movie I decided to do so digi-scrapping and got another new page:

Credits can be found here

I also got my hybrid project finished today and I am very happy with how it turned out!
Here's a photo:

Credits can be found here

Until next time

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yeah it's Friday!
Can't wait for the weekend cause I get to spend it with my boys!
Well today I was running around going to appointments and doing
errands all day.
Today I had to renew my driver's license today and for the first time in 5 years had to have my photo taken for it. I think it is the worst photo anyone has ever placed on my license lmao. Seriously it is a mug shot!, luckily no-one has to see it.

Well here is today's layout:
Credit can be found here

Until next time,

Friday, November 6, 2009


Wow what a storm we had tonight!
It was bucketing down rain, huge rolls of thunder and lots of lightning it was perfect snuggle on the couch weather.

So today my mum called to have a chat unfortunately I hadn't spoken to her in over a week because they are working at the moment so she doesn't get time to call.
We had a good chat and she was really proud to hear that Rhyley only has to go to Occupational Therapy once a month now because he has improved so much!

Well now for today's layout:

Credits can be found here

Until next time,

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Wow it's only Spring here in Australia but damn it is getting HOT!
Today it was stinkin' hot and if it's this hot now we are in for a scorcher this summer!
So not looking forward to it!

Anyway today Jason came home telling how his work had employed a new bloke who used to work at his old work that no-one got along with because he's a major slacker!
He told the bosses that he won't put up with it if he decides to take the same attitude there.
So I guess there goes my happy hubby every afternoon :( hopefully this guy will just do what is excepted of him and I get to keep my happy hubby! *fingers crossed*

Anyway now for today's layout:

Credits can be found here

Until next time

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Well nothing happened of any interest today.
It was just one of them days ordinary with nothing exciting to write about.

So I'll share today's layout instead:

Credits can be found here

Until next time,


It's Monday and I am feeling blah!
No amount of coffee is going to jump start me today.

So I decided to start a little hybrid gift for my cousin who's baby is due in December.
I thought it would be nice to make her a jar of tickets which have all of baby's first milestones written on them and a place for the date.
I did all the tickets in PSE6 and printed out a test sheet and if I do say so myself they turned out fantastic, I then printed them on to cardstock and now all I have to do is cut them all out!, decorate and label the jar and I have made a quick yet cute gift for her to remember all those precious moments in her baby's life.

After this I cleaned up the house and still feeling blah decided to have a little nap since I didn't have to pick up Rhyley for a few hours.
I have to say the nap really did the trick I woke from it feeling alot better and ready to see my little man to find out how his day was.

Anyway here's today's layout:

Credits can be found here

Enjoy and until next time

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Sunday!

What a lovely day today was!
A full day of vegein' out with my boys!
We all just watched movies and enjoyed being together without worrying about chores cause they had all been done. So it really was the perfect Sunday :)

Rhyley and Jason went outside so Rhyley could practise riding his bike without the training wheels and they went down the road along the footpath down to Rhyley's school and back.
So we are thinking that in a few weeks with a few more trips down to school and back he will be allowed to ride to school and home again, of course I will still go with him as we feel he is still too young to go by himself but I think he will really love being a BIG boy riding to school!

Well today's layout is a photo-less one.
It is apart of the Rhyley's baby album that I am currently trying to complete:

Credits can be found here

Hope you like it and are enjoying your Sunday.
Until next time

New Goal!

My new goal is to try and scrap at least one page everyday for the next year!
I am so hoping I can stick to my goal and achieve it!

I am really looking forward to trying to achieve this goal!
So hopefully this time next year I will be able to look back on this blog and see at least 365 layouts/hybrid projects posted.
I guess this is my version of Project 365!
So wish me luck and follow the journey :)

Here is today's layout:

Credits can be found here

And here is an extra page I did Friday night which I love!

Credits can be found here

Until next time