Wow what a long weekend!
We went down to Ballina to visit my cousin Peter and his lovely girlfriend Jess who recently had a baby boy Connor!
So with packing last Thursday,driving down there Friday and being there all weekend and not getting home till late I have had to play catch up with my layouts!
We had a fantastic weekend though went to see Connor on Saturday and he is so cute!
Rhyley had a hold and he is definitely a pro after holding Coop so much as a baby.
Speaking of Coop we got a visit from him and Aaron out at Mum and Dad's cause Aaron is currently fixing up Dad's boat for him.
So Rhyley and Coop ran around playing trucks all morning.
On Sunday Aaron and Coop came out again for a while but it was too hot so they went back into town.
After they left we cleaned up Mum's house and had lunch before watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We then packed the car loaded the dogs in and drove into town to visit Aaron at his flat. When we got there he showed us the wardrobes he had installed and told us how they were going to be painting over Christmas.
After Aaron's we dropped in to see my Pop for a quick hello before heading back home!
So here are five new layouts:
Credits can be found here