Hubby was recently working as a fencer. It was a great job,the pay was good, they trained him, paid for a coal board medical, Standard 11 mining induction, BMA Core Induction and several mine site inductions.
Seriously they spent $1000's on him but last time he worked over 3 weeks ago he was told that worked had dried up for them and that they were going to have to let him go.
So since then he has had a full time job looking for work.
And it seems there are no decent paying jobs here in Mackay.
But you would think with all the inductions you could get a job in mining fairly easily but NO that is definitely NOT the case.
Even some mining companies tell people that having the inductions I mentioned help you get a foot in the door but that is simply not true!
Basically hubby has approximately $15,000 worth of inductions sitting in his wallet collecting dust and going to waste. Why is it going to waste well simply put unless you have years of experience or heavy machinery experience you have almost no chance of getting a job in mining.
In the very rare circumstances where you find a trainee/ entry level position, you are up against hundreds of other applicants who are either more qualified or younger!
There is no other way to put it but it's a seriously fucked up situation.
How is the average person trying to get into this industry supposed to get a job when these companies are unwilling to train people for these roles or provide feedback on an application so you can improve your chances of getting a job!
Tonight hubby counted the number of current job applications he has made in the past 3 weeks and the total currently stands at a whopping 50 and that doesn't include the 10 or so rejection emails he has received.
Not all the jobs are in the mining industry, some are industrial cleaning but most are in warehousing.
Anyway rant over and fingers crossed this downpour dries up soon.
Until next time,