Of course you do... well guess what I am about to share with you an awesome blog I found recently.
It's a cooking blog - specialising in Baking & Vegetarian food.
I am not vegetarian but most of the recipes on this blog I would at least try once & well if all else fails there are the sweet recipes lots & lots of delicious looking treats to bake.
The blog is Delicieux & is owned by Jennifer who's an author, baker, cook & photographer
from Brisbane, Australia.
So how did I find this little gem of a blog?
Well Kitchenware Direct posted a link to the site telling their Facebook fans about a little
competition they are sponsoring.
Normally I don't share about competitions I enter but this time it's for good cause!
The good cause being that it may just help me win the awesome prize that is been
given away by Jennifer & Kitchenware Direct a KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer valued at $749.
Seriously I have been hinting, nagging, crying to Jason for about 3 years now that
I want, need, must have a KitchenAid but it's just NOT getting through so I see that
winning one maybe the only chance I have of getting one at this rate! ;)
So jump on over to the blog and check out the competition, enter & if you win remember me *wink, wink* & if you don't win at least you can make these yummy looking Milk Chocolate Sandwich Cookies!
(the competition is open to Australian residents only).
So this competition totally inspired the colour palette I chose for my latest layout.
I have always wanted an KitchenAid in Ice (the pale blue one in the middle row, third from the right)
I decided to use the colour to create this page:
Credits are here
Until next time,