I have exams over the next 2 weeks so lots of revision is needed.
I am so looking forward to it all being over and done with.
I got sick and sort of lost the motivation I had but I got through it.
Next week is going to be full on though with my first exam, going to State of Origin, Rhyley's 8th Birthday and finishing off with Disney On Ice!
It is going to be a huge week but so worth it!
So until then here are the last few layouts I have done:

This one was the done for International Scrapbook Day challenge at Peppermint Creative!

After doing the Autumn layout above I decided to do a Winter layout using Rhyley's baby photos since he is a Winter baby afterall.
Credits can be found here

After going on a little (okay BIG) shopping spree at Peppermint Creative I really wanted to be able to use the Game On Papers and Elements Miss Mint had released and this photo of Rhyley screaming UNO! worked so well!

This layout was for a Mixed Bag Monday challenge at Peppermint Creative the theme was "What's In A Name"
Well that is all for now I will be back when things have calmed down a bit here hopefully it won't be too long and I will be able to get some pages done too between all the other things.
Until next time,

Well that is all for now I will be back when things have calmed down a bit here hopefully it won't be too long and I will be able to get some pages done too between all the other things.
Until next time,